I was approached by the engineering firm overseeing the project management of a new interstate bridge project in Los Lunas, NM to design a logo and brand for this major construction project. This bridge has been a long sought after project for the region, and the ask was to design a logo to use for the project that kept within the brand of the Village of Los Lunas, while also highlighting features of the project. The bridge crosses interstate highway, train tracks and the Rio Grande River.
From the Special Projects Page on the Village of Los Lunas website:
The Challenge
The Village of Los Lunas evolved historically as a farming community and maintains great pride in its rural character. However, annexation and development over the last thirty years have changed the Village from a quiet, rural place into one of the fastest-growing municipalities in New Mexico. Currently, NM 6 (Main Street) is the only Interstate exit for Los Lunas and provides the only opportunity for the Village and County residents to cross the Rio Grande. Approximately 40% of vehicles that travel on NM 6 do not stop in Los Lunas.
From the Special Projects Page on the Village of Los Lunas website:
The Challenge
The Village of Los Lunas evolved historically as a farming community and maintains great pride in its rural character. However, annexation and development over the last thirty years have changed the Village from a quiet, rural place into one of the fastest-growing municipalities in New Mexico. Currently, NM 6 (Main Street) is the only Interstate exit for Los Lunas and provides the only opportunity for the Village and County residents to cross the Rio Grande. Approximately 40% of vehicles that travel on NM 6 do not stop in Los Lunas.
The Solution
The need for a new I-25 interchange and east-west corridor is to improve traffic flow; access to high growth areas within the study area; and the efficiency of emergency response within the Village and surrounding areas. The resulting congestion adversely affects commuter travel; access to area businesses, schools and services located along NM 6; and the ability to respond quickly to emergency situations. EMS response times are a major factor in “life or death” situations. The Village has been very proactive in addressing this problem and has spent several million dollars over the last decade as the local lead on approximately eight different projects in an attempt to upgrade NMDOT intersection facilities on NM 6 in an effort to alleviate congestion concerns. Therefore, one of the Village’s top priorities is a new I-25 Interchange (with a new east-west arterial and river crossing) that would actually serve most of Valencia County.